Instructions on How to Clean and Sanitize a Face Mask or Face Covering

Due to COVID-19, people have been encouraged to practice continued social distancing measures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it’s imperative that people wear face masks anytime they are out in public and unable to practice social distancing. Face masks effectively filter large air particles and protect the wearer’s nose and mouth from contact with droplets and sprays that may contain harmful germs. 

Making Your Own Face Masks

Many people have opted to create their own face masks out of materials found around their homes. There are dozens of tutorials and how-to guides for making your own mask, but it’s essential that homemade or purchased face masks are constructed in a way that is compliant with CDC standards for face coverings. To meet these standards for face masks and face coverings, make sure that it fits snugly against the sides of the face and that it’s secured either behind the ears or at the back of the head. Another great feature that face masks should have is the ability for them to be laundered and dried for multiple uses. Because of this, masks should be made out of fabrics that can withstand warm and hot water temperatures.

How to Clean or Sanitize a Face Mask

These are unprecedented times, and it’s important to do whatever you can to protect yourself from getting sick and to prevent others from contracting the disease. You can do your part by wearing a mask and ensuring that your face mask or covering is cleaned and sanitized frequently. Below, you can find steps on how to clean or sanitize a face mask.

To clean a face mask, you’ll need: 

  1. Washing Machine
  2. Dryer
  3. Mesh Wash Bag (Optional)

How to wash a face mask:

  1. Insert your masks into a mesh wash bag
  2. Wash the masks in the warmest water setting that the fabric will allow.
  3. Dry the masks in the mesh bag or let air dry

In a recent blog, we discussed that simply washing a garment doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sanitizing it as well. It’s important to sanitize your face mask to guarantee that viruses and other germs are eradicated. If you’re wondering how to sanitize your face mask, it’s simple. Simply add a small amount of sanitizing agent, like liquid bleach or pine oil, to your load of laundry and follow the instructions above. It is not recommended for disposable face masks to be washed or sanitized. These instructions are to be solely used for reusable face masks.

Reach out to Mulberrys in Minneapolis and San Francisco for questions about dry cleaning or laundry services, and always follow guidance from the CDC for the latest public health updates on COVID-19.

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